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Started in 2013 by the Graduate Society of Women Engineers (GradSWE) at the University of Illinois, weSTEM (Women Empowered in STEM) is a one-day conference that provides a forum for STEM leaders to inspire one another to excel in their disciplines and develop solutions for challenges faced by our global community. The weSTEM conference is designed for graduate students by graduate students. Invited speakers will share experience and insight from their diverse and successful career paths following a graduate degree in STEM. Lectures, workshops, and breakout sessions will showcase highly successful careers of men and women in STEM as well as facilitate the discussion of topics unique to the graduate student experience.
Join us for weSTEM 2018. You will be inspired to excel in your field, stay motivated to complete your degree, and grow passionate about the positive impact you can have on the world following a graduate degree in STEM.
The 2018 program will feature:
Opening and closing keynote addresses
Dual-track seminar sessions
Breakout sessions
Dual-track panel discussions
Corporate and professional networking opportunities
Saturday February 10, 2018
at The University of Illinois
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February 9, 2018
Welcome Reception
February 10, 2018
Welcome Address
Opening Keynote
Transforming Your STEM Career by Rethinking Creativity
Dual Track Session 1
A Conversation on Leadership Lessons
A Life in Science: A Few Lessons Learned
Dual Track Panel
How to Survive & Thrive on the Tenure-Track
Speak Up: Moving Up in a Large Organization
Networking & Snacks
Breakout Session
Dual Track Session 2
Building a STEM Outreach Strategy
Switching Sides: Transitioning between Academia and Industry
Banquet Dinner
Concluding Keynote
From SWE to Significance: Building a Life of Purpose
Closing Remarks
February 10, 2018
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Check out our confirmed speakers for 2018!
Contact Meredith Richardson (mlricha2@illinois.edu) if you are interested in speaking at weSTEM.
Ringleader & Leadership Consultant at inTerractions
Founder & CEO of InnovatorsBox
Vice President of Surface Mining & Technology at Caterpillar
Distinguished Professor & Associate Dean of Research & Innovation at UC Irvine
Senior Director of Software Engineering at Capital One
Executive Director of CS+X Foundation
Research Director at Gartner
Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at Purdue
Associate Department Head of Geology and Geological Engineering at Colorado School of Mines
Assistant Professor of Computer Science at University of Illinois at Chicago
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue
Associate Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Factory Manager at John Deere
Division Scientist at 3M
Chair of Environmental & Climate Sciences Department at Brookhaven National Lab
Distinguished Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Professor of Art & Design at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Director of AVL & eDREAM at NCSA
Technical Supervisor of Accelerator Division at Fermilab
Assistant Professor of Bioengineering at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Registration for weSTEM 2018 is closed. Please fill out our wait list
form if you are still interested in attending:
Contact Erin Molloy (emolloy2@illinois.edu) with any questions.
GradSWE hosted the 5th annual weSTEM conference at the Illini Union Hotel in January 2017. The event brought together 135 graduate students (102 UIUC, 33 non UIUC) across 22 disciplines and 18 universities nationwide. Further, GradSWE welcomed 14 accomplished female professionals and 3 accomplished male professionals with graduate STEM degrees working in academia, national labs, and industries in diverse fields. The speakers gave talks, led breakout sessions, and participated in networking activities with attendees to help them “be inspired, stay motivated, and grow passionate” about STEM careers.
weSTEM 2017 Attendance Breakdown by Discipline
"As an undergraduate looking at attending graduate school, weSTEM made me excited to start graduate school. It was very inspiring!"
"Last year set the bar high, but this year's speakers were really exceptional and I loved the focus of their talks!"
"Great conference! Exceeded my expectations, amazing speakers, great hosts! The whole package."
Past weSTEM Speakers
Past SWE President, Manager at Caterpillar
Department Head at Penn State
Chief of Staff at Intel
Director of Sandia National Labs
Senior Exhibit Developer at MSI Chicago
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Join us this year for our flagship initiative to inspire and motivate brilliant young women in STEM! With your sponsorship, you’ll gain unique recruiting access to the nation’s top graduate women in engineering.
An e-book of weSTEM attendee resumes
Recognition in the conference program
Recognition on weSTEM website and social media
Distribution of promotional materials in swag bags
Direct communication with Illinois GradSWE members via weekly email newsletter (up to 5 times per year)
Sponsor a table!
Donations of $500 or more sponsor all meals for a table of eight attendees. Table sponsor name and logo is displayed as part of the table centerpiece.
Sponsor a booth!
Donations of $2,000 or more provide access to networking opportunities with weSTEM attendees via a booth or breakout session.
Sponsor the reception!
Donations of $5,000 or more sponsor the welcome reception. Reception sponsor is invited to give a 10 minute presentation during the weSTEM reception.
Contact Sarah Shim (gradswe-funding@illinois.edu) if you are interested in sponsoring weSTEM 2018.